Nerriga Quarry
- Very High Grade Basalt
- Excellent for Concrete with low shrinkage and non reactive
- Sealing aggregates with high PAFV
- Roadbases and crusher dust
- Gabion and dimension stone
Braidwood (Larbert) Quarry
- RMS Roadbase and sands
Murrumbateman Quarry
- VENM and ENM Infill Site
- Low Grade Roadbase
Nimmitabel Quarry
- Manufactured sand for concrete
- Roadbase
Bombala Quarry
- Very High Grade Basalt
- Excellent for concrete with low shrinkage and non reactive
- Sealing aggregates with high PAFV
- Roadbases and crusher dust
- Gabion and dimension stone
Rock Flat (Mount Mary) Quarry
- Very High Grade Basalt
- Excellent for Concrete with low shrinkage and non reactive
- Sealing aggregates with high PAFV
- Roadbases and crusher dust
- Gabion and dimension stone